martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

Animal Crossing 3DS First Details and Screenshots

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Animal Crossing 3DS Screenshot - Characters Abound!

Animal Crossing 3DS was officially re-announced and detailed by Nintendo at their pre-TGS Press Conference. The game had been previously announced but essentially nothing was known about the title until now.

This version of the hit series (which got its start on the GameCube) will take village living to the “next level” by allowing for more personalized customization than ever before, in order to make your village completely unique from others.

In addition to being able to customize the outside (exterior) of your home for the first time, you can also install certain items in the village permanently, which Nintendo says will give more personality to your village and make it unique. These includes Wells and Benches, which you can see in the Animal Crossing 3DS screenshots below.

Furniture can also be customized even further than ever before, and looks more realistic. And time will flow according to the time in the real-world using the clock of the 3DS. Seasons will also change accordingly.

Animal Crossing 3DS will take advantage of the 3DS’ unique features so you can now view the homes of anyone you’ve tagged via StreetPass, and you can now become the Village Chief! As head of the village, you can significantly boost its development! Hopefully this will mean that the entire cast of the game can eventually move in at once! One of the screenshot also reveals the ability to swim! Could exploration be a part of this new Animal Crossing?

Animal Crossing 3DS (working title) is scheduled for release in 2012.

Here is a video of Animal Crossing 3DS showing off gameplay footage!

And here is a developer roundtable interview with the folks behind the game. Albeit it’s in Japanese. Hopefully we’ll get a translated video soon enough.

Last but not least, here is a bunch of new screenshots showing Animal Crossing 3DS in action!

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