lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

Valve not interested in mobile, handhelds

AppId is over the quota

Valve is all “about people sitting on their couches or at their desks,” Chet Faliszek, a writer at the Half-Life creator has said, summing up the developer’s not-interested-in-mobile-development attitude quite nicely.

That means no iPhone, iPad nor Android games from the famed studio. Same goes for more traditional handhelds as well.

“We haven’t forayed into that space,” Faliszek told Kotaku when asked if PlayStation Vita could perhaps be considered as a viable platform for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which is due out on PC, Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network early next year; around the time of Vita’s western launch. “It’s just not a space our engine has been looked at or optimized for.”

And that’s all there is to it. Don’t expect a Valve game on any smartphone, tablet, or handheld anytime soon.

View the original article here

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