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With the release of Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One on the horizon, here are some early character details, which we can expect to see in the newest installment full of action and adventure!
The upcoming, four-player cooperative, PS3 exclusive video game, developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment, will be released on October 18th (US), October 20th (AUS) and October 21st (EU) 2011.
So let’s take a look at the cast of characters of we can expect to see in Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One!
Voiced by Mikey Kelley
Ratchet is a Lombax native to the planet Fastoon (later sent to Veldin). He is the protagonist of the Ratchet & Clank series. In the following Ratchet & Clank games, he was voiced by James Arnold Taylor. He is also the son of Kaden, who was killed shortly after Ratchet’s birth.
He is a street-wise, wrench-swinging guy who always loved to get stuck into an adventure without thinking about the risks or odds. Initially the sarcastic type, over the series of the games, Ratchet has matured and become more serious.
Voiced by David Kaye
Clank, real name XJ-0461, is a small robot, programmed with artificial intelligence, and Ratchet’s long-time companion and best friend and the deutragonist of the Ratchet and Clank series.
He was born at the Robot Factory on the Planet Quartu but was created in the Great Clock.
Clank often acted as Ratchet’s choregos, acting as the voice of reason against Ratchet’s brash personality. He was quite knowledgeable in a variety of subjects, which he never hesitated to express. Nonetheless, however, Clank has shown to be somewhat slower to realize certain things than Ratchet.
Voiced by Jim Ward
Copernicus Leslie Qwark, known as Captain Qwark and later Galactic President Qwark, who had also gone under many aliases, was a fraudulent “superhero” from the Solana Galaxy. He was one of the main antagonists in Ratchet and Clank and the main antagonist in Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, but became the secondary protagonist and even an ally in later games.
Initially, Qwark was portrayed as the greatest hero of all time, however, he was nothing more than a “pretty-boy” endorsement fiend who received credit for acts of bravery that he had nothing to do with.
Voiced by Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder to all you Buffy fans out there!)
Doctor Nefarious was a robotic mad scientist who hated organic life forms, despite formerly being one himself. He was the archenemy of so-called “superhero” Captain Qwark, and later the most recurring nemesis of the courageous duo, Ratchet and Clank and is the antagonist of the Ratchet and Clank series.
Doctor Nefarious was characterized as being extremely evil, eccentric, maniacal and insane. He had absolutely no remorse in his actions and cared only for his personal gain. He showed enjoyment in his diabolical endeavors.
Aphelion was a sentient Lombax ship shot down on Fastoon during Tachyon’s invasion. She was later repaired by Ratchet when he was stranded on Fastoon, Ratchet then continued to use her as his own ship for the events afterwards, including several instances of space combat. There were two words written in Lombax on Aphelion; one read as “Aphelion” and the second one as “angel”. Her signature was 3371-Alpha.
Rusty Pete was a space pirate, and Captain Slag’s first mate. He usually appeared alongside his captain singing a Pirate melody.
In All 4 One, Rusty Pete opened up his own burger shack called Rusty Pete’s Healthy Hamburger Shack. One of his burgers was a favorite to hipsters. In an attack from Dr. Nefarious gone wrong, a Light Eating Z’Grute was unleashed upon the city of Luminopolis, in which it began a rampage on the city, destroying the Shack.
Voiced by Neil Flynn & Jess Harnel
The Plumber, also known as the Mechanic, the Water Worker or the Janitor, was a traveling handyman who would repair any leaky plumbing if the price is right. He has appeared in almost every Ratchet & Clank game since the series began.
The Plumber was part of the galaxy-wide unnamed blue humanoid species, also found on his homeworld, Novalis.
Chief Admiral Cronk, or Cronk, was a one of two warbot caretakers of Talwyn. He and Zephyr, Talwyn’s other caretaker, were constantly battling over who was superior. They two were very old and were falling apart, and so Talwyn usually watched over the warbots instead. Cronk also had a habit of calling Cragmites, “Craggy-mites”. He wielded a gun that had a slow rate of fire, but powerful shots.
Voiced by Paul Eiding
Lieutenant Commander Zephyr, or just Zephyr was one of the two caretakers assisting Talwyn as she searched for her father, and often helped her, Cronk, and Ratchet in various battles throughout the game.
Given that he was an elderly robot, Zephyr often recited memories of past battles he and Cronk fought together in, however their credibility could easily be disputed.
Voiced by Michael Bell
Lawrence was Dr. Nefarious’ robotic butler. His day-to-day duties usually involved “dirty laundry and whatnot”. He had a clear dislike for his boss, whom he often pummeled with subtle insults or purposely did his tasks poorly.
Skrunch makes a cameo appearance in All 4 One. A Cyclophic Monkey, HE was Captain Qwark’s monkey sidekick, and wore a Q-Force suit. He came from Florana.
Vorn Garblak was a Markazian scientist and head chairman of the galactic panel of interstellar know-it-alls and chief warmonger and assistant by Artemis Zogg’s command. Since Zogg’s defeat, he held the title as Minister of Defense in the Polaris Galaxy.
Dr. Croid was a scientist who lived on planet Magnus. He lived at an outpost in the Terawatt Forest. He held the key to the mystery of the Creature Collector. The heroes met Dr. Croid, who gave them the Orb-o-Matic. It was concluted that Scamp was the daughter of Dr. Croid.
Artemis Zogg was the Minister of Defense of the Polaris Galaxy, bureaucrat in Meridian City, and later a Markazian planet thief due to the actions of Cyrus and Qwark. He was responsible for the disappearance of planets in the universe.
Commander Spog is one of the villains in Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One. He trapped Ratchet, Clank, Captain Qwark and Dr. Nefarious himself in a incinerator via a moving platform at one point during the game. He leads the Bouncer army.
Ephemeris, also known as the Creature Collector, was a vast interstellar machine and main villain in Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One.
Scamp is a character who will appear in Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One. She saved the heroes from near death.
Check out the story-driven trailer!
So are you excited for this game? Just can’t wait for its release? Please leave your comments and opinions in the section below and share your thoughts!
Be sure to check out our Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Screenshots Gallery& Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Preview!
Information via Wikia
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